

首先恭喜您再度獲得提名和范斯(J.D. Vance)先生搭檔競選正副總統;其次關於「使美國再次富裕(Make America Wealthy Once Again),個人的建言如下:

我是K-Horn Science Inc.的創辦人郭立昌(Peter Lichang Kuo),我們在2009年的APEC CEO Summit上應邀倡議IIA-TESInvest in America for the economic stimulus—投資美國以促進經濟復興)以重建全球經濟。很高興看到2016年美國實施了IIA,並期待其為美國帶來更大的經濟繁榮。

然而,根據目前的數據,美國仍有超過500萬戶家庭沒有銀行帳戶,生活在貧困線下。這些家庭迫切需要經濟機會和金融包容性。我相信,通過我們的The eStore SystemTES),可以有效地解決這些問題,並使美國再次富裕。


The eStore SystemTES)是一個綜合虛實結合的電子商務系統,包含多項創新技術和應用,致力於提供無現金交易、傳智晶片卡、電子支付等便捷的服務。我們的「每個eStore創造一個工作機會(One eStore One Job) 倡議不僅能為貧困家庭提供就業機會,還能提高整體經濟活力。


  1. 推廣The eStore System
  2. 政府支持和補貼
  3. 金融教育與培訓


  • 提升金融包容性
  • 創造就業機會
  • 促進經濟增長


The eStore System的實施將不僅僅是解決金融包容性問題,還是創造更多就業機會和促進經濟增長的有力手段。我們相信,通過政府的支持和合作,這一倡議將對美國的經濟發展產生深遠影響。

期待能有機會與您進一步探討這一提案,並為美國的繁榮貢獻我們的一份力量—“使美國再次富裕和再次偉大 耑此奉達


郭立昌 敬上

以下為建言原文 (英文)

Dear President Trump,


First of all, congratulations on being nominated again and partnering with Mr. J.D. Vance to run for president and vice president. Secondly, regarding "Make America Wealthy Once Again", my personal suggestions are as follows:

I am Peter Lichang Kuo, the founder of K-Horn Science Inc. At the APEC CEO Summit 2009, I advocated for "IIA-TES" (Invest in America for the economic stimulus) to rebuild the global economy as required. It was encouraging to see the United States implement IIA in 2016, and we look forward to its further contributions to America's prosperity.

However, recent data indicates that over 5 million households in the United States remain unbanked and live below the poverty line. These families urgently need economic opportunities and financial inclusion. I believe that through our “The eStore System” (TES), we can effectively address these issues and make America prosperous again.


The eStore System (TES) is an integrated virtual-physical e-commerce system that includes numerous innovative technologies and applications, aimed at providing cashless transactions, TranSmart chip cards, electronic payments, and other convenient services. Our "One eStore, One Job" initiative not only offers job opportunities for impoverished families but also enhances overall economic vitality.


  1. Promotion of the eStore System
    Promote TES, especially in underbanked and impoverished areas, by setting up more eStores to provide basic financial services and job opportunities.
  2. Government Support and Subsidies
    The government should offer tax incentives and subsidies for businesses and individuals adopting the TES system, encouraging broader participation.
  3. Financial Education and Training
    Provide relevant financial education and skills training to help impoverished families better utilize the TES system for financial management and entrepreneurship.

Expected Outcomes

  • Enhanced Financial Inclusion
    The TES system will enable unbanked families to conduct financial transactions conveniently and enjoy basic financial services.
  • Job Creation
    Each eStore will create a new job, directly helping to reduce poverty. It is expected to help 2 million people in need.
  • Economic Growth
    Economic activity that creates a US$10 trillion derivative value chain will drive local and national economic growth, making America wealthy again.


The implementation of the eStore System will not only address financial inclusion issues but also serve as a powerful means to create more job opportunities and promote economic growth. We believe that with government support and collaboration, this initiative will have a profound impact on the economic development of the United States.

We look forward to discussing this proposal further with you and contributing to the prosperity of America—“Make America Wealthy Once Again” and “Make America Great Again”.

Best Regards

Sincerely Yours,

Peter Lichang Kuo
Founder of the K-Horn Science (Social Enterprise)

External Links:

https://patents.google.com/patent/US6304796 (VAM)

https://patents.google.com/patent/US20030197061 (Shopping System)

http://plckbooks.blogspot.com/2018/08/k-horn-science-inc.html  (K-Horn Science Inc.)

http://pkforac.blogspot.com/2018/08/anti-corruption-in-lima.html (Lima Anti-Corruption)

https://ldinventions.blogspot.com/2022/01/127.html  (A Universal Cashless System)

https://khornhb.blogspot.com/2023/10/1011.html (K-Horn Science Inc.)

https://khornhb.blogspot.com/2023/10/1013.html (K-Horn’s Cashless System)

https://khornhb.blogspot.com/2023/11/1110.html (K-Horn & APEC)

https://khornhb.blogspot.com/2023/12/1208.html (K-Horn’s SRI)

https://khornhb.blogspot.com/2024/01/105.html (K-Horn’s PCM)

https://khornhb.blogspot.com/2024/03/326.html (Tree's Whiskers)

https://klcapec.blogspot.com/2024/05/515.html (The Best Practice)

https://klcapec.blogspot.com/2024/06/609.html (Edison’s Inspiration)

https://lckstory.blogspot.com/2024/07/704.html (Apollo)

https://khornhb.blogspot.com/2024/07/715.html (To President Trump)



